Clinic (727) 796-2552 | Pet Resort (727) 724-1915


It has come to our attention that the monthly oral flea and tick product for dogs, Bravecto, has recently received some bad press. News articles and social media have indicated that the product is responsible for the deaths of many pets.

Canine Atopy: Your Dog’s Allergic Reactions

Canine Atopy: Your Dog’s Allergic Reactions

A common allergic reaction we see in dogs is a chronic inflammatory response to environmental substances like grass, dust mites, and mold spores. This condition is termed “atopy”. Dogs are typically young when they display the first signs of atopy, usually less than 3 years of age. The areas most commonly affected are the feet, groin area, axillary region (arm pits) and face and ears.

Laser Therapy for Your Pet

Laser Therapy for Your Pet

Cold laser therapy uses a beam of light to stimulate the cells to encourage healing. Treatment with the laser can reduce inflammation, reduce scarring and help your pets’ cells regenerate and heal faster. Cold laser therpay can be used to treat a multitude of conditions including injuries, wounds, fractures, dermatologic problems and arthritis. The laser works to alleviate chronic or acute pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, increase circulation and speed up recovery and healing.

Xylitol the Artificial Sweetener and How it Can Affect Your Dog

These days many products contain a product called Xylitol, but what is this chemical? Xylitol is a 5- carbon sugar alcohol used as an artificial sweetener in many products. It can be found in sugar free gums but as well as candies, toothpastes, and mouthwashes.

Is Your Bird Pulling Out Its Own Feathers?

At our hospital we have the pleasure of seeing many species of birds. However, one of the issues most commonly seen is feather picking or pulling out their own feathers. Birds, no matter what species are known to preen and groom their feathers. This is normal behavior, however it becomes a problem when they over preen or begin to self mutilate themselves.