Clinic (727) 796-2552 | Pet Resort (727) 724-1915

Digital Radiology for Your Pet

One of the greatest tools for veterinarians is the ability to image our patients using digital radiology. Most of you are familiar with seeing X-ray films that were held up to a lighted screen in order to view the image. These films were developed dipping them into vats of fluids in a dark room to fix and develop. I did this in the 80’s and 90’s. It would take 20 minutes to look at one film and often the film was barely readable. Automatic processors became available in the 90’s. This machine made developing faster and did away with the tanks of fluid. The films quality was improved but did not afford greater detail of the image taken.

Persistent Hookworm Infections in Dogs

Persistent Hookworm Infections in Dogs

Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense, Uncinaria stenocephala) are one of the classical groups of internal parasites of dogs. We frequently encounter cases of persistent hookworm infections in dogs even after repeated de-wormings with a variety of...

Intestinal Parasites And Your Dog

A “positive” fecal test?!It is not uncommon for a dog on an excellent parasite control product to still have a positive fecal test. Why? Because parasite eggs and immature stages are everywhere: in the soil, on grass, in dog-walking areas, by the lake or in other...
Help Your Cat With Stress for the Holidays

Help Your Cat With Stress for the Holidays

The holiday season is a happy time full of family, fun and decorations. While many of us look forward to this season all year long it can be a stressful and overwhelming time for our feline family members. Not only are there often many visitors at this time of the year but those decorations are just so sparkly and irresistible to most cats. The decorations like Christmas tree ornaments, lights, tinsel, foods and more can also be a concern for possibly life threatening injuries and illness. Thankfully there are some options that can be fun for your pet and helpful to keep them out of hiding and out of trouble.

Dog Walking Behavior: Petiquette

Dog Walking Behavior: Petiquette

Getting your dog/s off your property at least 3 times per week has many health and mental benefits. In addition to the physical exercise, you are providing mental stimulation as well. They get to experience new sights and smells each time they are off the property.

Pancreatitis in Dogs

Pancreatitis in Dogs

Pancreatitis is one of the most common maladies we see at our hospital. By definition, the disease is an inflammatory condition of the pancreas. I think most people know they have a pancreas but may not be sure exactly where it’s located and what it does.