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Good dog walking behavior means getting your dog(s) off your property at least 3 times per week. In addition to the physical exercise, you are providing mental stimulation as well. They get to experience new sights and smells each time they are off the property. Additionally, studies have shown that getting your dog off the property daily can decrease territorial aggression by 90%!

That being said, good dog walking behavior is not always easy to enjoy with your four legged friend. Some dogs are leash reactive, pull on the leash, lag behind, cross back and forth and/or are afraid of new things, whether it is people, other dogs, cars, children, etc. Most importantly, there are leash laws in Florida, so it is vital that your dog is on a leash, no matter how good you thing your dog is. You may encounter dogs that are not as well behaved. There are many local dog parks and doggie day cares for your dog to enjoy off leash play.

Dog Walking Tips

Here are some tips for a smooth walk with your dog:

  • Use a 6 foot leash, not a retractable leash
  • Carry some of your dogs favorite treats with you
  • Give treats when your dog is walking properly next to you
  • Keep your dog close to you on the leash until the dog is walking properly. They have to earn all 6 feet of the leash!
  • If your dog is reactive or pulls a lot consider the use of a gentle leader head collar
  • If your dog ONLY pulls on the leash, consider an Easy Walk Harness
  • Do not let your dog approach other dogs or people without asking first. Just because your dog is friendly does not mean the other person’s dog is friendly
  • If your dog does have problems on walks consider going at times where you are less likely to encounter as many people and other dogs (early morning or late evening)
  • If your dog is the one that has a problem and other people or dogs approach step out of the way and let them pass OR go to the other side of the street.

If you still have problems or are not making progress with your dog walking behavior we have obedience classes here at the Animal & Bird Hospital of Clearwater.

Kristen White, BAS, CVT
Veterinary Behavior Technician/Trainer

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