Clinic (727) 796-2552 | Pet Resort (727) 724-1915

Dr. Carlos Garcia

Dr. Carlos Garcia

On occasion, we may call in Dr. Garcia to perform surgeries for our patients. He provides our clients an additional option for those that are unable to pursue specialized care. We are able to offer with his assistance, advanced procedures such as TPLO’s, patella luxation repairs, fracture repairs, and a wide variety of soft tissue surgeries at a reduced cost.

Dr. Carlos Garcia has a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of North Carolina at Asheville where he studied Cellular and Molecular biology and is a 2015 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. He worked as a general practitioner in Miami and Tampa Bay for three years. He then completed a Small Animal Surgery specialty internship at Affiliated Veterinary Specialist.

On his free time he enjoys the beach life, working with cars, cooking, weight lifting, and most importantly spending time with his wife and family. He is bilingual and able to speak Spanish with the Hispanic community.

Contact Us

Regular check ups with a veterinarian are important for your pet's health. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.