Cold laser therapy uses a beam of light to stimulate the cells to encourage healing. Treatment with the laser can reduce inflammation, reduce scarring and help your pets’ cells regenerate and heal faster. Cold laser therpay can be used to treat a multitude of conditions including injuries, wounds, fractures, dermatologic problems and arthritis. The laser works to alleviate chronic or acute pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, increase circulation and speed up recovery and healing.
The cold laser procedure is non-invasive and is done as an outpatient appointment with you in the room with your pet. Treatment can vary from 3-20 minutes, depending on the protocol for the pet’s ailment. The pet is awake and there is no need to clip fur. Many patients feel immediate relief from the treatment and relax while having it done.
We are one of a select few Clearwater animal hospitals that also offers Digital Thermal Imaging. The images we take provide us with a physiological map of your pet, identifying areas of inflammation, pain and lack of circulation.
By combining thermal imaging with laser therapy we can better target the areas of your pet that need to be treated and monitor progress of the treatments.
For more information on Digital Thermal Imaging visit http://vet.digatherm.com/. And for more information on Cold laser therapy visit http://www.litecure.com/companion/

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Regular check ups with a veterinarian are important for your pet's health. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.