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On November 13, 2015 our sweet cat of only six weeks old named Garbo entered our lives. However Greta, our other seven year old kitty – not to mention my husband – were not yet onboard with the new cat’s arrival. After two to three weeks of Greta’s insistence that Garbo was not wanted, I was yelling for help, so I contacted my Clearwater veterinarian, Animal and Bird Hospital and they advised that their animal behaviorist Kristen White would be able to help us in introducing Garbo to our family.

Kristen initially requested background information and a video of Greta and Garbo’s interaction to assess what was going on, which I was glad to provide. Then Kristen came to our home to provide us with some very important tips to assist Greta, Garbo, and my husband to find a way for everybody to accept one another. I emailed Kristen with concerns and issues and she was very glad to answer and assist during this period.

The great news is after implementing all of Kristen’s suggestions … it worked! By the end of January 2016, Greta and Garbo (both females) could interact in a positive way and now I can attest they are very good friends! I am forever thankful that Kristen provided the insight to integrate new and old kitties to become fabulous friends. Thank you Kristen as your help was invaluable!

Lisa Goodrich

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