Clinic (727) 796-2552 | Pet Resort (727) 724-1915

3 Questions to Ask Your Dog Boarding and Pet Care Facility

With summer finally here family vacation plans are a top priority. If you’re a pet parent, finding the right facility to care for your dog or cat in your absence will be first and foremost on your list of things to do. Here are three questions you can ask your dog boarding facility so you have peace of mind while you travel.

Beware of the Bufo Toad

Recently, I had an emergency come in for medical care. A West Highland Terrier named Oliver had been bitten by a Bufo Toad in their backyard. This is absolutely an emergency scenario so I felt it was important to share some precautionary information.

Why is My Cat Peeing Out of the Litterbox?

One of the most common complaints I get from my clients about their cats is inappropriate elimination. One of the biggest misconceptions they bring to the table is “My cat is mad at me so she peed on the rug.” Peeing outside of their litter box can be complicated and can have several reasons. Cats do not get mad at us and make a mess in retaliation — cats don’t have the ability to think like that.

Why Does My Dog Smell? Part 2

Why Does My Dog Smell? Part 2

It’s usually obvious when your dog has a skin problem. You may be able to smell it, but most likely you can see it. Look for signs of hair loss on your dog, crusts or areas of bleeding, and can cause strong smells on your dog. Let’s look into skin problems as a possible reason your dog might be smelling unpleasant.

Why Does My Dog Smell? Part 1

Why Does My Dog Smell? Part 1

The smell of a dog is a common topic of discussion at our veterinarian practice. Sometimes when I walk into a closed exam room, the strong odor can be so powerful it will knock me over. There are some obvious places to examine on your dog when looking for a solution. Let’s first discuss the ears, otitis and bacterial and yeast infections.

Feline Purevax Rabies

We are very pleased to announce that the Feline Purevax Rabies is now available in a 3 Year vaccine.