Clinic (727) 796-2552 | Pet Resort (727) 724-1915

It has come to our attention that the monthly oral flea and tick product for dogs, Bravecto, has recently received some bad press. News articles and social media have indicated that the product is responsible for the deaths of many pets.

When these stories are run, they focus more on fear than facts. A similar thing happened with the product Trifexis a few years ago. In order to truly determine what caused the deaths of those pets, diagnostic testing and necropsies (autopsies) should have been performed to confirm the cause of death. They were not.

The truth is that millions of doses of this product have been consumed. Less than 0.01% of these have reported of any ill effects. The most common side affect of Bravecto is gastro intestinal upset, which is on the label.

While ANY medicine comes with potential side effects, we have found Bravecto to be a safe, effective product to protect your pets from fleas and ticks. We are committed to providing your pets with the best care and products available. We will still continue to recommend and sell Bravecto.

Should you have any questions, please email  or call us at 727-795-2552.

We will be happy to answer any concerns you may have.

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