Stenotic Nares
Stenotic nares is the condition of tightly closed nostrils in dogs. The flat faced dogs, such as French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Pugs and others, most often have this condition. Closing the nares, or nostrils, prevents normal airflow for the dog. Since dogs maintain proper body temperature through respiration, the ability to breathe efficiently is extremely important. Dogs with closed nostrils often have their mouths open because they simply cannot get enough air. Imagine if you had to breathe through a straw.
Over time, this constant inhaling with negative pressure can cause serious changes in the pet’s oral pharynx. The tissues become swollen and more flaccid. They can actually block the movement of air through the mouth and into the trachea. This results in the classic heavy breathing that these dogs are known for. These dogs are at high risk of hyperthermia or heat stroke.
A simple procedure to correct stenotic nares can be done at our hospital. While anesthetized, our CO2 laser is used to remove the extra tissue blocking air flow. The laser is especially suited for this surgery since it prevents blood flow by cauterizing while cutting.
I would recommend having this procedure done along at the time of a spay or neuter.

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